Remove navigation: Unless it is necessary, remove other options. Let people do what you want them to do, and don’t give them many other choice.
Make link text appealing: People tend to glance over copy instead of deeply reading every word. Sine links are action point people tend to pay more attention to link text. Make sure link text is appealing since it is far more likely to get read than most of the page copy.
Picture of people: People like to look at other people testimonials appear more legitimate if they have pictures next to them.
Give them a clue that they have found the correct page: Place the words they searched for in large text at the top of the page to show them they are in the right location. If you are a large merchant with many products may be use something like search results for their search term. In many cases it is best to point people at a landing page instead of the home page.
Load time: the file size needs to be small enough so that it will load on the users browser in a short time usually less than 6 sec. Don’t place excessive image, flashes. Try to show up some important things before the page will fully load.
Browser friendly: Make your page display equally on every popular browser and resolution.
Page layout: Use short paragraphs and sub headers. Your page should look comfortable to the eye (give space between lines; use a normal style and size for fonts).
Call to action point: Place your call to action point at a highly click able area with an appealing text.
Remove Unneeded Object: remove the things that are not so important in this instance. Optimize your forms. Make the input cursor hop to the next field after a user finishes the current field. Allow the user to tab around fields. Auto-populate any fields you can. Remove all unneeded fields. Don't ask for city/state/province if you ask for a Zip or postal code. Focus on the essentials. If you’re asking users to register for a newsletter, ask for only an email address. You don’t need their name now. Get rid of the reset button. It’s dangerous for both the user and you.
Run Multi-Level Split Testing of Targeted page elements:
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